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Thousand Island Lake For Staff Travel

Date:2019/3/26 10:11:39   View:2550   Font Size: BigMediumSmall

"Cohesion And Promotion Of Youth"

—— Keep A Record Of The Company's Qiandaohu League Building Activities

In order to adjust the work pressure, create a passionate, responsible and happy working atmosphere, so that we can better engage in the next work. In order to enrich the spare time of employees, further strengthen team cohesion, enhance the team's ability of solidarity and cooperation, and better serve businesses and customers, Qiandaohu Group Construction Activity has been specially organized by the company.

On September 15, 2017, the three-day and two-night Qiandaohu League construction activities officially opened.

We visited Qiandao Lake Forest Oxygen Bar, which is one of the ten most worthwhile forest Oxygen Bars in China at present. It has the best forest vegetation, the most beautiful natural scenery and the best ecological environment of Qiandao Lake. It is known as the paradise of Qiandao Lake.

After visiting the forest oxygen bar, the company also arranged Qiandao Lake cycling activities and Baiyun River rafting, according to their preferences to choose the project you like to play. Qiandaohu cycling line was completed in 2013. It is an excellent cycling line. Everyone rides around the lake for about 20 kilometers. The whole section of the road lays four kinds of professional roads for cycling, which implies different seasons and moods in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Baiyunxi drifting is the most characteristic Canyon drifting in Western Zhejiang Province. The trees in the canyon are lush and rocky. 1.5 hours of Canyon drifting, so that everyone abandoned the secular troubles, immersed in thrilling, pleasant, while also able to appreciate the local customs, customs and flavors.

On the last day's trip, you visited the Central Lake area of Qiandao Lake, which is the first beautiful water in the world. It includes visiting Meifeng Island, Yule Island, Longshan Island and Moonlight Island. In the scenic area, the green water is strange, the thousand islands are all beautiful, the natural scenery is beautiful, and the ecological environment is excellent.

After having a good lunch, we all took the bus back with good memories and went home smoothly.

This happy and pleasant journey of romance and harmony is over, but the new work life is still waiting for everyone to work together!